Friday 3 April 2009

The Grammar and Punctuation Headache

So the English version of the story is now finalised and ready to be pasted into the booklet. Just gave it a final whiz through 'Word's' spelling and grammar checker. 'Inanimate' objects should be animals, vegetables and minerals 'that' do things. Giving the wolf and the elves names and/or personalities mean transgressing this and so they have become creatures 'who' do things. Naughty. Door post, window sill, honeybees, backpacks, bed time, daytime and night time - 'Word' wants to contract everything. I've chosen the Oxford English Dictionary version over the Word version. Sorry - editorial decision.

I know my adverbs aren't all in the right places, but have chosen common use over correct English. I've done proof reading in my time: I still think perfection is always just out of reach, and it's all a total headache.

Thursday 2 April 2009

English Recording Session

Today we finally got the English version of the book recorded onto the computer. Tania Rodrigues has a wonderful voice, a pleasure to listen to. She gave an amazingly accurate reading with very few interruptions. Well done both to Peter Rinne and Tania. Can't wait to get the CD pressed now, though I still have the booklet to coax into shape. Have to use Coreldraw, which is clumsy at page make up. Can't get high enough resolution .pdf outputs using Pagemaker and my computer is too clogged to run InDesign.

It's only April, English and French were our New Year's resolutions. We're getting there, but I think this recording was worth waiting for. Many thanks Peter and Tania!