Sunday, 1 February 2009

Leaflet in Arabic, and PDF Security

I know it's the weekend.

Saturday last week Catherine and I took display tables at the ISMLA Conference in Cheltenham. Fun, but long drive. Back after 11pm.

Saturday this week (yesterday) was spent doing the VAT. Horrible job, but when it is done, there is such a saintly feeling of piety, followed by relief and relaxation........... and it makes the end of year accounts sooooo... much easier.

While all this is going on, there is the GESS exhibition in Dubai to plan for. We received the log in codes for the exhibition website at close of work on Friday, and the deadlines for the exhibtion catalogue and some of the other usual info were this weekend. Of course the 'weekend' in Dubai is different from here, and a a deadline of midnight is not our midnight - as Dubai is ahead of us. With the help of Kate at The Publishers Association we made it .......... just.

Now we just need to get some translation and printing organised for an Arabic version of our leaflet.

We (Holly and I) have put a lot of work into activities to accompany our book, and the thought of a printed version x 6 of activites for all the languages is daunting. So downloadable, photocopiable .pdfs for printing and even a .pdf of the whole book of illustrations for whiteboard/computer screen seems to be the way forward.

Then teachers can print out just what is needed for today.

Piracy is such a universal problem in publishing that we are experimenting with a protection system called PDFLocker which we hope will enable us to give you - as requested last weekend - the right to print various of our useful publications including the transcripts* of our audiobooks. The example was for a group of six young students of Russian. Or this would give you rights to photocopy an activity for your children or your class.

We want to make your lives easier, so if there is anything you need - ask. You may be surprised at how receptive and helpful we can be.

* Transcripts are not word for word into each language. Our translators were asked to make the story flow correctly in their own language.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends,

    PDF files are typically protected by passwords while they are sent from one organization to another. You can secure your PDF files with a password- or certificate-based PDF security. The PDF security settings change the viewing, extracting, printing, and form filling permissions of your output PDF document. You can also apply digital signature to your PDF. Thank you...

    DRM Program
